Choose the dialect version to execute the query under. If not specified, the query will execute under the default dialect version set during module initial loading or via FT.CONFIG SET command.
The 'EXPANDER' parameter. If set, we will use a custom query expander instead of the stemmer.
The 'EXPLAINSCORE' parameter. If set, will return a textual description of how the scores were calculated.
The 'FILTER' parameter. If set, and numeric_field is defined as a numeric field in FT.CREATE, we will limit results to those having numeric values ranging between min and max. min and max follow ZRANGE syntax, and can be -inf , +inf and use ( for exclusive ranges.
The 'GEOFILTER' parameter. If set, we filter the results to a given radius from lon and lat. Radius is given as a number and units.
The field of the 'GEOFILTER' parameter
The lat argument of the 'GEOFILTER' parameter
The lon argument of the 'GEOFILTER' parameter
The measurement argument of the 'GEOFILTER' parameter
The radius argument of the 'GEOFILTER' parameter
The 'HIGHLIGHT' parameter. Use this option to format occurrences of matched text.
The fields argument of the 'HIGHLIGHT' parameter
The tags argument of the 'HIGHLIGHT' parameter
The close argument of the tags argument
The open argument of the tags argument
The 'INFIELDS' parameter. If set, filter the results to ones appearing only in specific fields of the document, like title or URL.
The 'INKEYS' parameter. If set, we limit the result to a given set of keys specified in the list. the first argument must be the length of the list, and greater than zero.
The 'INORDER' parameter. If set, and usually used in conjunction with SLOP, we make sure the query terms appear in the same order in the document as in the query, regardless of the offsets between them.
The 'LANGUAGE' parameter. If set, we use a stemmer for the supplied language during search for query expansion.
The 'LIMIT' parameter. If the parameters appear after the query, we limit the results to the offset and number of results given.
The first argument of the 'LIMIT' parameter
The num argument of the 'LIMIT' parameter
The 'NOTCONTENT' parameter. If it appears after the query, we only return the document ids and not the content.
The 'noStopWords' parameter. If set, we do not filter stopwords from the query.
The 'PAYLOAD' parameter. Add an arbitrary, binary safe payload that will be exposed to custom scoring functions.
The 'RETURN' parameter. Use this keyword to limit which fields from the document are returned.
The 'SCORER' parameter. If set, we will use a custom scoring function defined by the user.
The 'SLOP' parameter. If set, we allow a maximum of N intervening number of unmatched offsets between phrase terms.
The 'SORTBY' parameter. If specified, the results are ordered by the value of this field. This applies to both text and numeric fields.
The field argument of the 'SORTBY' parameter
The sort argument of the 'SORTBY' parameter
The 'SUMMARIZE' parameter. Use this option to return only the sections of the field which contain the matched text.
The fields argument of the 'SUMMARIZE' parameter
The fargs argument of the 'SUMMARIZE' parameter
The len argument of the 'SUMMARIZE' parameter
The separator argument of the 'SUMMARIZE' parameter
The 'VERBATIM' parameter. if set, we do not try to use stemming for query expansion but search the query terms verbatim.
The 'WITHPAYLOADS' parameter. If set, we retrieve optional document payloads (see FT.ADD).
The 'WITHSCORES' parameter. If set, we also return the relative internal score of each document.
The 'WITHSORTKEYS' parameter. Only relevant in conjunction with SORTBY . Returns the value of the sorting key, right after the id and score and /or payload if requested.
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The parameter of the 'FT.SEARCH' command