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Renames and re-exports RTS

Type aliases

AIBackend: "TF" | "TFLITE" | "TORCH" | "ONNX"

The available backend types

param TF

The TensorFlow backend

param TFLITE

The TensorFlow Lite backend

param TORCH

The PyTorch backend

param ONNX

The ONNX backend

AIDagExecuteParameters: { keys: string[]; numberOfKeys: number; timeout?: number; type: "load" | "persist" | "keys" }

The dagexecute parameters

param type

The keyword of the command

param keys

The keys of the dagexecute

param numberOfKeys

The key count of the dagexecute

param timeout

Optional. The time (in ms) after which the client is unblocked and a TIMEDOUT string is returned

Type declaration

  • keys: string[]
  • numberOfKeys: number
  • Optional timeout?: number
  • type: "load" | "persist" | "keys"
AIDevice: "CPU" | "GPU" | string

The available device types

param CPU

The CPU device

param GPU

The GPU device

AIModel: { backend?: AIBackend; batchsize?: number; device?: AIDevice; inputs?: string[]; minbatchsize?: number; outputs?: string[]; tag?: string }

The model object

param backend

The backend of the model

param device

The device of the model

param tag

The tag of the model

param batchsize

The batch size of the model

param minbatchsize

The min batch size of the model

param inputs

The inputs of the model

param outputs

The outputs of the model

Type declaration

  • Optional backend?: AIBackend
  • Optional batchsize?: number
  • Optional device?: AIDevice
  • Optional inputs?: string[]
  • Optional minbatchsize?: number
  • Optional outputs?: string[]
  • Optional tag?: string
AIModelExecute: { inputs: string[]; inputsCount: number; outputs: string[]; outputsCount: number; timeout?: number }

The AI.MODELEXECUTE additional parameters

param inputsCount

A positive number that indicates the number of following input keys

param inputs

The given inputs

param outputsCount

A positive number that indicates the number of output keys to follow

param outputs

The given outputs

param timeout

The time (in ms) after which the client is unblocked and a TIMEDOUT string is returned

Type declaration

  • inputs: string[]
  • inputsCount: number
  • outputs: string[]
  • outputsCount: number
  • Optional timeout?: number
AIModelSetParameters: { batch?: { minSize?: string; size: string }; inputs?: string[]; inputsCount?: number; outputs?: string[]; outputsCount?: number; tag?: string }

The model set parameters

param tag

The tag of the model

param batch

The batch of the model

param size

The size of the model

param minSize

The min size of the model

param inputs

The inputs of the model

param inputsCount

The inputs count of model

param outputs

The outputs of the model

param outputsCount

The outputs count of the model

Type declaration

  • Optional batch?: { minSize?: string; size: string }
    • Optional minSize?: string
    • size: string
  • Optional inputs?: string[]
  • Optional inputsCount?: number
  • Optional outputs?: string[]
  • Optional outputsCount?: number
  • Optional tag?: string
AIScript: { device?: AIDevice; source?: string; tag?: string }

The script object

param device

The device of the script

param tag

The tag of the script

param source

The source of the script

Type declaration

  • Optional device?: AIDevice
  • Optional source?: string
  • Optional tag?: string
AIScriptExecuteParameters: { inputs: string[]; keys: string[]; listInputs?: string[]; numberOfInputs: number; numberOfKeys: number; numberOfListInputs?: number; numberOfOutputs: number; outputs: string[]; timeout?: number }

Additional parameters of the 'AI.SCRIPTEXECUTE' command

param numberOfKeys

The number of tensor keys

param keys

The tensor keys

param numberOfInputs

The number of inputs

param inputs

The inputs

param numberOfListInputs

Optional. The number of list inputs

param listInputs

Optional. The list inputs

param numberOfOutputs

The number of outputs

param outputs

The outputs

param timeout

The time (in ms) after which the client is unblocked and a TIMEDOUT string is returned

Type declaration

  • inputs: string[]
  • keys: string[]
  • Optional listInputs?: string[]
  • numberOfInputs: number
  • numberOfKeys: number
  • Optional numberOfListInputs?: number
  • numberOfOutputs: number
  • outputs: string[]
  • Optional timeout?: number
AIScriptSetParameters: { device: string; script: string; tag?: string }

The script set parameters

param device

The device of the script

param tag

The tag of the script

param script

The script name of the script

Type declaration

  • device: string
  • script: string
  • Optional tag?: string
AITensorInfo: { blob?: string; dtype?: TensorType; shape?: string[]; values?: string[] }

The tensor information object

param dtype

The tensor's data type can be one of: FLOAT , DOUBLE , INT8 , INT16 , INT32 , INT64 , UINT8 or UINT16

param shape

One or more dimensions, or the number of elements per axis, for the tensor

param values

Indicates that data is numeric and is provided by one or more subsequent val arguments

param blob

Indicates that data is in binary format and is provided via the subsequent data argument

Type declaration

  • Optional blob?: string
  • Optional dtype?: TensorType
  • Optional shape?: string[]
  • Optional values?: string[]
BFInsertParameters: { capacity?: number; error?: string; expansion?: string; nocreate?: boolean; noscaling?: boolean }

The additional optional parameter of the 'BF.INSERT' command

param capacity

The 'CAPACITY' argument. If specified, should be followed by the desired capacity for the filter to be created. This parameter is ignored if the filter already exists. If the filter is automatically created and this parameter is absent, then the default capacity (specified at the module-level) is used.

param error

The 'ERROR' argument. If specified, should be followed by the the error ratio of the newly created filter if it does not yet exist. If the filter is automatically created and ERROR is not specified then the default module-level error rate is used.

param expansion

The 'EXPANSION' argument. If a new sub-filter is created, its size will be the size of the current filter multiplied by expansion . Default expansion value is 2. This means each subsequent sub-filter will be twice as large as the previous one.

param nocreate

The 'NOCREATE' argument. If specified, indicates that the filter should not be created if it does not already exist. If the filter does not yet exist, an error is returned rather than creating it automatically. This may be used where a strict separation between filter creation and filter addition is desired.

param noscaling

The 'NOSCALING' argument. Prevents the filter from creating additional sub-filters if initial capacity is reached. Non-scaling filters requires slightly less memory than their scaling counterparts.

Type declaration

  • Optional capacity?: number
  • Optional error?: string
  • Optional expansion?: string
  • Optional nocreate?: boolean
  • Optional noscaling?: boolean
BFReserveParameter: { expansion?: number; nonscaling?: boolean }

The additional optional parameters of the 'BF.RESERVE' command

param expansion

If a new sub-filter is created, its size will be the size of the current filter multiplied by expansion.

param nonscaling

Prevents the filter from creating additional sub-filters if initial capacity is reached.

Type declaration

  • Optional expansion?: number
  • Optional nonscaling?: boolean
BFResponse: "1" | "0"

The response of the BF commands

param 1

Stands for 'true'

param 0

Stands for 'false'

CFInsertParameters: { capacity?: number; nocreate?: boolean }

The additional optional parameter of the 'CF.INSERT' command

param capacity

The 'CAPACITY' argument. If specified, should be followed by the desired capacity for the filter to be created. This parameter is ignored if the filter already exists. If the filter is automatically created and this parameter is absent, then the default capacity (specified at the module-level) is used.

param nocreate

The 'NOCREATE' argument. If specified, indicates that the filter should not be created if it does not already exist. If the filter does not yet exist, an error is returned rather than creating it automatically. This may be used where a strict separation between filter creation and filter addition is desired.

Type declaration

  • Optional capacity?: number
  • Optional nocreate?: boolean
CFReserveParameters: { bucketSize?: number; expansion?: number; maxIteractions?: number }

The additional optional parameters of the 'CF.RESERVE' command

param bucketSize

Number of items in each bucket. A higher bucket size value improves the fill rate but also causes a higher error rate and slightly slower performance.

param maxIteractions

Number of attempts to swap items between buckets before declaring filter as full and creating an additional filter. A low value is better for performance and a higher number is better for filter fill rate.

param expansion

When a new filter is created, its size is the size of the current filter multiplied by expansion . Expansion is rounded to the next 2^n number.

Type declaration

  • Optional bucketSize?: number
  • Optional expansion?: number
  • Optional maxIteractions?: number
CFResponse: "1" | "0"

The response of the CF commands

param 1

Stands for 'true'

param 0

Stands for 'false'

CMKIncrbyItems: { increment: number; name: string }

The sets of the incrby items (and increments)

param name

The item name which counter to be increased.

param increment

The counter to be increased by this integer.

Type declaration

  • increment: number
  • name: string
FTAggregateResponse: { items: FTAggregateResponseItem[]; numberOfItems: number }

The response type of the FT aggregate function

Type declaration

FTAggregateResponseItem: { name: string; value: number | string | boolean }

The response item of the FT aggregate response type

Type declaration

  • name: string
  • value: number | string | boolean
FTFieldType: "TEXT" | "NUMERIC" | "TAG" | string

The available field types

param TEXT

The text type


The number type

param TAG

The tag type

FTIndexType: "HASH" | "JSON"

The available index types

param HASH

The hash index type

param JSON

The JSON index type

FTSearchArrayResponse: [number, ...(string | string[] | {})[]]

The response type of the FT search function as an array

FTSearchResponse: number | FTSearchArrayResponse | FTParsedSearchResponse | null

The response type of the FT search function. The function results in 0 when no results are found, else as an array.

FTSort: "ASC" | "DESC"

The available 'SORT' methods

param ASC

The ascending sort

param DESC

The descending sort


The config information


The cache size of the module


The async delete of the module


The omp thread count of the module


The thread count of the module


The resultset size of the module


The maintain transposed matrices of the module


The vkey max entity count of the module

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
  • ASYNC_DELETE: number
  • CACHE_SIZE: number
  • OMP_THREAD_COUNT: number
  • RESULTSET_SIZE: number
  • THREAD_COUNT: number
RGGetExecutionParameters: { cluster?: boolean; shard?: boolean }

The additional optional parameters of the 'RG.DROPEXECUTION' command

param shard

The 'SHARD' parameter. only gets the local execution (default in stand-alone mode)

param cluster

The 'CLUSTER' parameter. collects all executions from shards (default in cluster mode)

Type declaration

  • Optional cluster?: boolean
  • Optional shard?: boolean
RGPyExecuteParameters: { requirements?: string[]; unblocking?: boolean }

The additional optional parameters of the 'RG.PYEXECUTE' command

param unblocking

The 'UNBLOCKING' parameter. doesn't block the client during execution

param requirements

The 'REQUIREMENTS' parameter. this argument ensures that list of dependencies it is given as an argument is installed on each shard before execution

Type declaration

  • Optional requirements?: string[]
  • Optional unblocking?: boolean
ReJSONGetParameters: { indent?: string; newline?: string; noescape?: boolean; space?: string }

The get command additional parameters

param indent

Sets the indentation string for nested levels

param newline

Sets the string that's printed at the end of each line

param space

Sets the string that's put between a key and a value

param noescape

Will disable the sending of \uXXXX escapes for non-ascii characters

Type declaration

  • Optional indent?: string
  • Optional newline?: string
  • Optional noescape?: boolean
  • Optional space?: string
RedisIntervalSet: { maximum: number; minimum: number; name?: string }

The Interval Set object

param name

The name of the interval set

param minimum

The minimum score of the interval set

param maximum

The maximum score of the interval set

Type declaration

  • maximum: number
  • minimum: number
  • Optional name?: string
TOPKIncrbyItems: { increment: number; name: string | number }

The sets of the incrby items (and increments)

param item

The item name which counter to be increased.

param increment

The counter to be increased by this integer.

Type declaration

  • increment: number
  • name: string | number
TOPKResponse: "1" | "0"

The response of the TOPK commands

param 1

Stands for 'true'

param 0

Stands for 'false'

TSAggregationType: "avg" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "range" | "range" | "count" | "first" | "last" | "std.p" | "std.s" | "var.p" | "var.s"

The available types of aggregation

TSAlignType: "start" | "+" | "end" | "-"

The available values of Align aggregation

param start

The reference timestamp will be the query start interval time (fromTimestamp).

param +

The reference timestamp will be the query start interval time (fromTimestamp).

param end

The reference timestamp will be the signed remainder of query end interval time by the AGGREGATION time bucket (toTimestamp % timeBucket).

param -

The reference timestamp will be the signed remainder of query end interval time by the AGGREGATION time bucket (toTimestamp % timeBucket).

TSCreateRule: { aggregation: TSAggregationType; destKey: string; sourceKey: string; timeBucket: number }

The 'TS.CREATERULE' command optional parameters

param sourceKey

The source key

param destKey

The dest key

param aggregation

The aggregation type

param timeBucket

The time bucket

Type declaration

TSInfo: { chunkCount?: number; chunkSize?: number; duplicatePolicy?: TSDuplicatePolicyType; firstTimestamp?: number; labels?: string[][]; lastTimestamp?: number; memoryUsage?: number; retentionTime?: number; rules?: string[][]; sourceKey?: string | null; totalSamples?: string }

The info JS object

param totalSamples

The count of total samples

param memoryUsage

The memory usage

param firstTimestamp

The first timestamp

param lastTimestamp

The last timestamp

param retentionTime

The retention time

param chunkCount

The cound of chunks

param chunkSize

The chunk size

param duplicatePolicy

If duplicate policy is set

param labels

A list of labels

param sourceKey

If source key is set

param rules

A list of rules

Type declaration

  • Optional chunkCount?: number
  • Optional chunkSize?: number
  • Optional duplicatePolicy?: TSDuplicatePolicyType
  • Optional firstTimestamp?: number
  • Optional labels?: string[][]
  • Optional lastTimestamp?: number
  • Optional memoryUsage?: number
  • Optional retentionTime?: number
  • Optional rules?: string[][]
  • Optional sourceKey?: string | null
  • Optional totalSamples?: string
TSKeySet: { key: string; timestamp: string; value: string }

The 'TS.KEYSET' command optional parameters

param key

The key

param timestamp

The timestamp

param value

The value

Type declaration

  • key: string
  • timestamp: string
  • value: string
TSLabel: { name: string; value: string }

The label object

param name

The name of the label

param value

The value of the label

Type declaration

  • name: string
  • value: string
TSOptions: { chunkSize?: number; labels?: TSLabel[]; retention?: number; uncompressed?: boolean }

The TS optional parameters

param retention

The 'RETENTION' optional parameter

param uncompressed

The 'UNCOMPRESSED' optional parameter

param chunkSize

The 'CHUNK_SIZE' optional parameter

param labels

A list of 'LABELS' optional parameter

Type declaration

  • Optional chunkSize?: number
  • Optional labels?: TSLabel[]
  • Optional retention?: number
  • Optional uncompressed?: boolean
TSRangeOptions: { aggregation?: { timeBucket: number; type: TSAggregationType }; align?: TSAlignType; count?: number; filterByTS?: string[]; filterByValue?: { max: number; min: number } }

The 'TS.Range' command optional parameters

param align

The 'ALIGN' optional parameter

param count

The 'COUNT' optional parameter

param filterByValue

The 'FILTER_BY_VALUE' optional parameter.

param filterByValue.min

The min value to filter by

param filterByValue.max

The max value to filter by`

param filterByTS

The 'FILTER_BY_TS' optional parameter. A list of TS values.

param aggregation

The 'AGGREGATION' optional parameter

param aggregation.type

The type of the 'AGGREGATION' command

param aggregation.timeBucket

The time bucket of the 'AGGREGATION' command

Type declaration

  • Optional aggregation?: { timeBucket: number; type: TSAggregationType }
  • Optional align?: TSAlignType
  • Optional count?: number
  • Optional filterByTS?: string[]
  • Optional filterByValue?: { max: number; min: number }
    • max: number
    • min: number

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